Kastenkonzert #35 & Vernissage Schaufenster Artefakte

Annäherung, Klanginstallation und Konzert
Vinicius Cajado x chora malik x Eyal Maoz (Solo) x Stefan Voglsinger

Annäherung, Klanginstallationen für Schaufenster (2021) – Vernissage 18:00 Uhr

5 junge MusikerInnen beschäftigen sich mit dem Thema der möglichen Nähe während und nach der verordneten Distanz und verwenden das Medium Sound, um einen akustisch-musikalischen Austausch anzuregen.

Mit Transducern (Schallwandlern), die an Schaufensterscheiben befestigt sind, können Klänge von innen in den Außenraum übertragen werden. Das Private erreicht den öffentlichen Raum, komponierter Klang und Umgebungsgeräusche verschmelzen.

  1. Oktober – 6. November 2021

Für 2 Wochen sollen die Klanginstallationen den öffentlichen Raum vor den Räumlichkeiten von Setzkasten und modul subtil bespielen und die Umgebung zum „nahen Hören“ einladen. Die MusikerInnen sind Studierende des Studiums Computermusik und Klangkunst am IEM (Institut für Elektronische Musik und Elektroakustik der KUG – Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Graz) von Veronika Mayer:

Benedikt Brands, Luka Kozlovacki, Pablo Abelardo Marina Montalvo, Antonia Manhartsberger, Martin Simpson

Vinicius Cajado is a musician with no boundaries between styles. Raised in São Paulo ,Brasil, his unique approach to the bass led him to win a jazz performance award with additional honors of most creative and unique playing at the International Society of Bassists competition (Prague, Czech Republic).
Vinicius’s playing, technique, tone and sound is a mixture between lots of different styles, and all of this extended by the immense color palette that is improvised music. The Bassist uses traditional and unconventional techniques, to make the tradition new, and also cut any borders that have been created in modern music in order to make the stage an organic space of interaction. Vinicius’s playing, technique, tone and sound is a mixture between lots of different styles, and all of this extended by the immense color palette that is improvised music. The Bassist uses traditional and unconventional techniques, to make the tradition new, and also cut any borders that have been created in modern music in order to make the stage an organic space of interaction

Eyal Maoz is an Israeli-born American composer, guitarist and bandleader. His music integrates rock, jazz and avant-garde, tinged with electronic and radical Jewish-Middle-Eastern sound. He’s a Tzadik, Ayler, Out Now, Orenda and Piadrum Records artist and a member of John Zorn’s Cobra and Zorn Book of Angels (arranged by Shanir Blumekkranz‘) Abraxas ensembles. In a recent review, the NYC publication Downtown Music Gallery writes ‚Eyal Maoz is one of the best electric guitarists to emerge from the Downtown scene over the past decade plus.‘

Known to tell stories of pain, hope, strength, joy and celebration, Maoz’s music oscillates between extremely delicate and highly volatile. His work evokes extravaganza of cutting edge experimental and chamber grace. His music integrates rock, jazz and avant-garde, tinged with electronic and Middle-Eastern sounds. According to All Music Guide, “Maoz redefines what ethnocentric world fusion can be from a mean-streets New York City perspective.”

Stefan Voglsinger & chora malik
venue hosts. electronics & voice (in progress)

arts (general)
23.10.2021 (Sat) - 06.11.2021 (Sat)
18:00 -
Setzkasten , 1170 Wien