Kultursommer: While Standing in Line for Death

Alex Bailey, CAConrad – While Standing in Line for Death (CAConrad and I)

Alex Bailey will develop rituals in collaboration with CAConrad and meet them over the internet. For the actual performance CAConrad will be present through telephone, telepathy and/or a ritual. The experience of the performance for the audience will be similar to a ritualistic poetry reading where poetry is not text but activities, movements and thoughts.
Alex has multiple seemingly unrelated & unsustainable practices and mediums, which over time have been shown to be perpetual. These include a focus on inter-species collaborations between human animals and non-human companion animals to address inequalities and forms of immaterial labour that both artists and our companion species face.

CAConrad. Born on January 1, 1966, CAConrad describes himself as “the son of white trash asphyxiation whose childhood included selling cut flowers along the highway for his mother and helping her shoplift.” Poet Eileen Myles writes, “[CAConrad] always argues (from the inside of his poems) for a poetry of radical inclusivity while keeping a very queer shoulder to the wheel. His kind of queerness strikes me as nonpolarizing, not intentionally but because of the fullness of his exposition, a kind of gigantism that seems to me to be most deeply informed by love, and a tenderness for the ravages and tumult of existence.”

Darstellende Kunst
arts (general)
15.07.2021 (Thu)
18:30 -
Herderpark , 1110 Wien