Inside – Insight: Open Studios

Studios Hegelgasse 14 with
Julia Gaisbacher, Lena Rosa Händle, Lavinia Lanner, Rafael Lippuner

In a time where creative practice and critical dialogue as well as solidarity and caring are more important than ever, INSIDE––INSIGHT seeks to support our mission to build and sustain a vibrant community of contemporary art practitioners and diverse audiences. The new format, developed and conceived by Katja Stecher on behalf of studio das weisse haus, results from a process of self-reflection, triggered by the Corona pandemic.

This series of meetings are held INSIDE the studio and give an INSIGHT into recent projects realized by our studio artists. Currently, 18 Vienna-based artists participate in the studio program and work in the ateliers provided, both located at Hegelgasse 14 and Untere Augartenstraße 5.

After the first meetings took place in-house and have stimulated an artistic exchange, we are pleased to open this program for the first time. You are cordially invited to visit us in the studios on June 25 and 26––on both days we offer artist talks at 6 pm. We look forward to welcoming you!

Due to the current guidelines for events, please register at Please come recovered, tested or vaccinated and show the appropriate proof at the registration desk. Please bring your FFP2 mask.

Offenes Atelier
Bildende Kunst
arts (general)
26.06.2021 (Sat)
16:00 -