Felizitas Moroder: Gear
  1. Jänner bis 9. April 2021
    Täglich 6 bis 22 Uhr

Brückenpassage MQ
Zwischen Burggasse und Hof 12

constants contradict contrary constellations
I keep repeating until my mouth is sandy
constants contradict contrary constellations

some people dive deep to retrieve pearls
they endanger themselves
they could be collecting shells from the beach instead
through small crashes of shells – sand forms
dervishes are turning in caves
there is an urge to repeat and to rest
a gaze to the far, as if everything far is good
so they dive

I pace
fast – forward – further
it seems unnatural
looking for scissors to cut unsteady thoughts
one turns to artificial nights
briefly pain will figure our movement

J. Haller says in his „Theories of Friction“
chapter 4.1.3
„when two bodies are rubbed together,
some form of interaction takes place
at the contacting surfaces
resulting in a resistance to relative motion.
most friction theories
assume that the resistive force
per unit area
of contact is a
constant, thus…“

it all becomes movement
autonomous movement
repetition becomes ground
for the next pearl retrieval
there is an obligation
to cope with dissonance
pillars of inevitable contrasts
are resting their head on sharp coral reefs

time is a component
repetition is key
I am variable
my mouth still sandy
constants contradict contrary constellations

Text: Dafne Aruyta Ilhan

„Pfeiler“ ist ein Ausstellungsraum in der Brückenpassage/MQ. Im vierteljährlichen Rhythmus wird hier eine Arbeit von Absolvent*innen der Abteilung Skulptur und Raum gezeigt.

Bitte beachten Sie die geltenden Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung von COVID-19 während des Besuchs. Vielen Dank!

arts (general)
Bildende Kunst
27.01.2021 (Wed) - 09.04.2021 (Fri)
06:00 -