Lovers’ Notebooks – graffiti for freedom

Screening and discussion

From 2012 in the small town of Saraqeb located in the Idlib area in northwest Syria, graffiti is used by civil activists to inspire and support its community during the time of conflict. Paintings on the walls are a medium for expression of hope, compassion, memory of victims and revolutionary slogans. Lovers’ Notebooks follows their story in years 2011– 2014, showing reality filled with tension between wish for freedom and fear of war, hope and despair.

Eyad Aljarod, filmmaker, Utrecht
Hammam Yousef, activist, Prague

Lovers’ Notebooks. R: Aliaa Khachouk, Eyad Aljaroud. Syrien / Kanada. 55 min.

Veranstaltung in englischer Sprache, deutsche Übersetzung wird bereitgestellt.

Bildende Kunst
arts (general)
23.03.2020 (Mon)
19:00 -