Screenings and Conversation with Johann Lurf

In the context of Angelika Loderer’s exhibition “Night Pieces”
SOPHIE TAPPEINER is pleased to present an evening of screenings and conversation with Johann Lurf

Cavalcade (35mm on HD, 5min 2019)
12 Explosions (DV, 6min 2008)
Picture Perfect Pyramid (16mm, 5min 2013)
Kreis Wr. Neustadt (16mm on HD, 5min 2010)
Twelve Tales Told (35mm on HD, 4min 2014)

Johann Lurf (*1982, lives and works in Vienna) studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna graduating from Harun Farocki’s class in 2009. The artist and filmmaker uses the moving image to analyze and restructure space and film. His practice involves documentary strategies and found footage to reflect on cinematic language itself. Among others, his work has been exhibited at the LACMA Los Angeles, MoCA Museum of Contemporary Arts Busan, Secession Vienna, Kunsthaus Graz, MAK Center for Arts and Architecture in Los Angeles, screened at the Volksbühne Berlin, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, BOZAR Brussels, Louvre Abu Dhabi, Anthology Film Archives New York, Filmmuseum Vienna as well as mumok Kino Vienna.

arts (general)
20.02.2020 (Thu)
19:00 -