Waiting Room

Piotr ŁAKOMY | Waiting Room

“the waiting room, where a few travelers sat far apart, silent and motionless. Like the creatures in the Nocturama, which had included a strikingly large number of dwarf species - tiny fennec foxes, spring-hares, hamsters - the railway passengers seemed to me somehow miniaturized, whether by the unusual height of the ceiling or because of the gathering dusk, and it was this, I suppose, which prompted the passing thought, nonsensical in itself, that they were the last members of a diminutive race which had perished or had been expelled from its homeland, and that because they alone survived they wore the same sorrowful expression as the creatures in the zoo.”
quot. W.G. Sebald, „Austerlitz” (2001)

arts (general)
Bildende Kunst
16.01.2020 (Thu) - 29.02.2020 (Sat)
18:00 -
Koenig 2 , 1040 Wien