Jan Domicz – 1070 Abholbox

SOSO: 1070 Abholbox - SO Burggasse #24
Jan Domicz

As part of a new series with the title SOSO – an initiative to cooperate with kindred spaces and projects – Significant Other has invited Jan Domicz with help and support of KulturKontakt Austria to prepare a new site-specific project in the non-exhibition spaces of SO.

If Dante Alighieri would nowadays decide to repeat his descent through the ten circles of hell, he would be surprised to find that the complexly structured Inferno of his times, full of Florentine’s dignitaries, were flattened into one single level of an endless Amazon storage facility. And instead of Vergilius as a wise advisor and representative of high intellect, he would be guided by Jeff Bezos to an infinite and excruciating dérive through an eternity of narrow corridors with sky-high shelves full of smiling boxes only to find at the end a self-pickup with a plastic tray of cheap sushi.

Jan Domicz transforms the non-exhibition spaces of SO to a scaled journey through a mental projection of storage space with very little to offer at the end. Only the newly installed light outside on the facade could give a possible sense of closure or maybe rather an escape route.

Thanks to the great interest of our visitors we decided to prolong Autumn Sale of Dreams and Love, the first SOSO project by Haus der Matsubara feat. Kazuna Taguchi. Both shows will run concurrently.

arts (general)
Bildende Kunst
29.11.2019 (Fri) - 31.01.2020 (Fri)
19:00 -