Ludic Method Soirée: Marina Gržinić

From Elsewhere to Cyberfeminism and Back

The theory and practice of artistic research are concerned with specific ways to approach art, science and epistemic things. Their goals are sometimes written fictitiously, presented in playful formats and made public in processes of exchange. The methods of artistic research comprise – in a structural coupling – contradictions, a joyful science and an associative memory play. Ludic agency is caused by ongoing psychophysical soirées.
In this playful format series Ludic Method is presented in a coupling of public lectures and performative play. We embrace gaya sciencia and cognitive settings — in several detours, sometimes from Cyberfeminsm to Trans Activism and back to the experience made in a play with your own bodily consciousness - as exemplified on this third Ludic Soiree evening at Prater Rustenschacheralle 2-4 - on the 20th November 7 pm.

Ludic Method Soirées. Activist research practice lecture series in playful formats.
Hosted by Prof. Margarete Jahrmann, artistic PhD program, University of Applied Arts Vienna
Knowledge Resistance and Trans*activism

The soirée will couple the story of the 1st Cyberfeminist Internationale at Documenta and the very recent research of Tjaša Kancler, trans* activist, artist, researcher and Gržinić on questions of knowledge resistance and trans*, the production of discourses, activities, politics, labor, education in order to combat racism and structures of power.

Marina Gržinić is a philosopher, theoretician and artist. She is a professor at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, where she teaches what is call the Art studio of Post-conceptual Art Practices and is supervising several PhD in philosophy students at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. She has been involved in video art since 1982. In collaboration with Aina Šmid they have produced numerous 30 video art projects. She publishes extensively, in 2018 she edited a volume for the Academy of Fine Arts, Border Thinking: Disassembling Histories of Racialized Violence, Berlin: Sternberg Press, 2018.

Zentrum Fokus Forschung dieAngewandte Vienna

Medien & Technologie
arts (general)
20.11.2019 (Wed)
19:00 -