Smallforms w/ Hall x Stefanie Egedy

The monthly series of smallforms seeks to support contemporary and experimental forms of music which require an attitude of listening.
in collaboration with the artspace

Saturday 02.11.19
Doors: 20h
Music: 20h30

HALL ist Samuel Schaab und Benjamin Tomasi. Beide arbeiten als Künstler zwischen Klang- und visueller/performativer Kunst. HALL kombiniert visuelle und tonale Strategien, dekonstruiert sie und baut aus diesen Fragmenten minimale performative Klangsettings auf. Jede Performance ist eine einzigartige Komposition in Bezug auf den Raum in dem sie stattfindet. Synthesizer, Rhythmusmaschinen, Flammendrohnen, Lichtblitze und Sprachfragmente, Objekte, Rauch und Stille schaffen verschiedene Atmosphären, die ein semi-narratives Ereignis bilden.
HALL@ Schauspielhaus:

Stefanie Egedy
Stefanie’s field of action is the sound territory. Her moto is the sub-bass and bass sounds, whose capacity of making itself present in the space and of interacting with the medium is of her greatest interest. Besieged by this scenario, she operates in the interaction between the sonorous and musical language in the communication between beings.
In her works, she uses field recordings, electronic and daily material sounds. Alongside Simon Fernandes she does the label Coisas que Matam, is part of the artist run space Dahaus, acts as a DJ, has a residency at Obra party and researches with Camille Laurent the relations between light and sound.

arts (general)
02.11.2019 (Sat)
20:00 -
Chateau Rouge , 1120 Wien