Crossings - Stories of Migrant Sex Workers

19h Film Sreening Crossings - Stories of Migrant Sex Workers
20h Q&A with Red Edition (Sex Work Migrant Group Austria) and Migrant Sex Workers

Crossings is a sex-worker produced documentary about the effects of criminalisation of migrant sex workers in Europe and the powerful ways of their resistance.


Crossings is a sex-worker produced documentary about the poverty, criminalization and struggle of migrant sex workers in Europe.
The documentary highlights common myths around sex work and preconceptions about sex workers. It does so by reflecting on the current trends sex workers - and other marginalised groups - face in Europe: increasing hostility to migrants and refugees, growing populism, cuts and austerity, and backlash against women’s and LGBT rights.
The film features the stories of sex workers from 5 European countries: Ukraine, Norway, France, Spain and Serbia and was collaboratively produced by sex worker organizations and the International Committee on the Rights of Sex Workers in Europe.

Supported by: Red Edition - Migrant sex workers Group Vienna

arts (general)
25.10.2019 (Fri)
19:00 -