Martin Pohl, Niki Passath

Martin Pohl - Metamorphose
Niki Passath - Theatrum Mundi

Opening: September 12 from 4 till 9 pm

Exhibition: September 13 till October 10 2019

At the heart of MARTIN POHL’s work are the basic elements of the application of paint, the painterly style, the color. He uses great tools to transfer strong forms and gestures to the canvas. Layer by layer, an illusionistic color space is created, with ups and downs. Martin Pohl is interested in the clerical, the production process, the transformation of linen and color pigments into painting, the resulting metamorphosis.

Parallel to this, works by NIKI PASSATH will be shown in the exhibition THEATRUM MUNDI.

Bildende Kunst
arts (general)
12.09.2019 (Thu) - 10.10.2019 (Thu)
16:00 -