Improper Art Fair

“Established in 2019, the Improper Fine Art Print Fair is the largest and most celebrated art fair dedicated to the artistic medium of printmaking. Each year’s Fair presents an unrivaled opportunity to view and acquire outstanding works! “
-our mom, bragging about our greatness-

  • Not joke part -

Raise your hand if you want amazing and affordable prints!
Raise your hand if you want to participate in a Cyanotype workshop!
Raise your hand if you want to mingle with the nicest crowd!


6.9. 6PM - 10PM
7.9. 2PM - 10PM

(Reindorfgassenfest 2019)

Artworks by:

Studio Walls:
Ūla Šveikauskaitė, Visual Stamina -x, Iustas, Linda Steiner, Things Dre Makes, Axel Schindler, Markus Tozzer.

The Vienna-based micro-publishing house and RISO printing studio.

arts (general)
06.09.2019 (Fri) - 07.09.2019 (Sat)
14:00 -
Improper Walls , 1150 Wien