
Openig-special: FCL COCOS-TACOS #fondationcocolafayette


pres­ents the work of twen­ty-six ar­tists ba­sed in or
as­so­cia­ted with Me­xi­co City for the first time in Vi­en­na. The show
brings a selec­tion of ac­tive agents in the field, from ar­tists to mu­sic
collec­tives, to map out the extent of this di­ver­se net­work. Crea­ting
their own struc­tu­res outs­ide of in­siti­tu­tio­na­li­sed for­mats, ar­tists and
crea­ti­ves have found that mu­tu­al re­co­gni­ti­on and ge­ne­ra­tio­nal sup­port
are the most ef­fec­tive ways of achie­ving vi­si­bi­li­ty and agen­cy. In a
place with a po­la­ri­zed and un­sta­ble so­cio-eco­no­mi­cal base, and du­ring
times of at­ten­ti­on as cur­ren­cy, true co­ope­ra­ti­on ap­pears as the only way
that the in­de­pen­dent parts can be­ne­fit from the force of the who­le.

Or­ga­ni­zed by Ma­xi­mi­lia­no León, An­d­rew Birk and Lu­kas Will­mann.

Al­lan Vil­la­vicen­cio - So­fia Cruz - Chris­ti­an Ca­ma­cho
Lu­cia Vi­da­les - Juan Ca­lo­ca - Ma­de­li­ne Ji­me­nez San­til
Jose Edu­ar­do Ba­ra­jas - Prras - San­gree - Kar­la Kap­lun
Ma­ti­as So­lar - Vic­toire Bar­bot - Ma­xi­mi­lia­no León - Ana Se­go­via
NAA­FI - Lil­ly Pfal­zer - An­d­rew Birk - Alma Sa­la­din & Mar­co Ro­un­tree
Pa­blo Cen­de­jas - Da­ni­el­ Hütt­ler - Andy Me­di­na - An­ge­li­ka Lo­de­rer
Is­re­al Ur­meer - Pa­lo­ma Con­tre­ras Lo­mas - Da­ni­el Agui­lar Ru­balca­ba


In the last few ye­ars Me­xi­co City has ex­pe­ri­en­ced an in­ter­na­tio­nal­ly
ac­clai­med boom as a re­sult of a mul­ti-fa­ce­ted net of fac­tors. Ba­lan­cing
a de­li­ca­te equi­li­bri­um of safe­ty for outs­iders, and a vio­lent­ly cor­rupt
rea­li­ty, the mega city is on its way of be­co­m­ing a world ca­pi­tal for
cul­tu­re and tou­rism, mir­ro­ring suc­cess­ful ca­pi­ta­list mo­dels but -
li­te­r­al­ly - built on shaky ground.
In­te­gra­ting the aff­lu­ence and in­flu­ence of in­ter­na­tio­na­lism through the
wa­ves of ar­tists and young pro­fes­sio­nals floa­ting in and out of Me­xi­co
as one very spe­ci­fic type of glo­bal tou­rism, the crea­ti­ve sce­ne in the
city looks very dif­fe­rent now than it did in the 90s. The ques­ti­on is,
how does a par­ti­cu­lar idio­syn­cra­sy sur­vi­ve pro­ces­ses of exo­ti­ciza­t­i­on in
the mar­ket of iden­ti­ties, whi­le thri­ving in a world of new de­man­ds?

arts (general)
Bildende Kunst
06.06.2019 (Thu) - 06.07.2019 (Sat)
19:00 -