Hug of Death


curated by Josephine Strau
June 6, 2019

Our talk left me breathless: How is it, that a choke once was a hug? We did not manage to get to the root of the problem, we rather raised even more issues.

They first met in an one room apartment, it was not spontaneous, they planned it a long time. It was hazy and looked surreal, almost like a real estate ad which never was to be realized. He had a cold and she suggested, she could make him bone broth - but does she realize it is quite the opposite of health? It is rather greens and vegetables that grow collagen. Bone broth is quite the opposite of health because it’s death, PeTA says. Bone broth kills!!! They were nervous. Both of them lack human interaction, when they are not working, they spend most of their time on the Internet. He took her hand, just to put it back on her lap again, his eyes tried to escape through the window, he touched her hair, just to untouch it again, winding his boney butt left to right on his chair. What’s the point of this meeting, she said, we could have just stayed online?

Bildende Kunst
arts (general)
06.06.2019 (Thu) - 20.07.2019 (Sat)
19:00 -