Sydney Shen: Every Good Boy Does Fine

Every Good Boy Does Fine Every Farmer Who Owns a Donkey Beats It

Sydney Shen (born in Woodbridge, New Jersey in 1989, lives and works in New York) completed her BFA at The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, New York in 2011. In 2010 she studied in the class of Josephine Pryde at Universität der Künste, Berlin.

Selected solo and two-person exhibitions include: 2019 Onion Master, New Museum, New York (US); 2018 Spring, For Seasons, Zurich (CH) and Poor Thing with Kyung Me, Hotel Art Pavilion, Brooklyn (US); 2017 What’s Worse Than The Void Is Matter, Motel, Brooklyn (US) and Four Thieves Vinegar, Springsteen, Baltimore (US); 2016 Master’s Chambers, Interstate Projects, Brooklyn (US) and 骨蘋果茶 (Bone Apple Tea), Holy Motors, Hong Kong (HK).

Selected group shows include: 2019 Flea Market, The Loon, Toronto (CA), No Body To Talk To, Invisible Exports, New York (US) and On The Use of Unknown Objects, Aldea, Bergen (NO); 2018 The Private Collection of Water McBeer, curated by Water McBeer, Deitch Projects, New York (US) and The Changes Wrought, American Medium, New York (US) and Jane Fonda​, Pina, Vienna (AT); 2017 A Most Filial Imprint, curated by Robin Peckham, Aike Dellarco, Shanghai (CN).

Sydney Shen is the founder of Gesualda, a handmade fine jewellery experiment. She is also co-author of Perfume Area.

arts (general)
Bildende Kunst
23.05.2019 (Thu) - 06.07.2019 (Sat)
19:00 -