Bitte seien Sie achtsam. Andere brauchen ihren Karlsplatz vielleicht notwendiger.

Project by the Studio for Conceptual Art [Post-conceptual Art Practices//PCAP] Academy of Fine Arts Vienna in collaboration with Kunsthalle Wien. It consists of an exhibition, performative interventions in the space, workshops, lecture and talks. Organization: Prof. Marina Grzinic, Maren Grimm, Julia Hohenwarter, Mika Maruyama and the students of Post-conceptual Art Practices with guests.


first, what is our responsibility in entering the public space? Who can open it and or has access to it?
second, how is it possible to deconstruct the concept of going public with artworks and performative bodies? Can we raise any social awareness, can we “woke the public space and the people" on questions of marginalization, discrimination, precarity?

In this regard students enter the public space with interventions, constructing topical art objects with discursive and political potentials; the temporary built performative spaces (rapping, shouting, manifesting) will exchange with the passerby, and as well with the specific art and any public. We want to open with this project a platform for dialogue with everybody passing by, building temporary communities and questioning the politics of art practice, the performative of words uttered and bodies in the public space. Using a title, referring to an announcement known from the public transport and adapted to the actual area, we will start this conversation.

Highlights of the program

6.5.2019, Monday

18.00 opening at Kunsthalle Wien, Skulpturenplatz, Karlsplatz

Exhibition works, screening, statements by participants from the Studio for Conceptual Art [Post-conceptual Art Practices//PCAP]. On view the installation The bench by Iklim Dogan, screenings by Đejmi Hadrović, audio/interview laboratory, performative interventions with banners and talks by Asma Aiad, Megan Auður, Sarah Raffaela Jackel, Robert Jolly, Maisie Jowett, Aaron Kimmig, Yul Koh, Marta Grace Latigo, Cathérine Lehnerer, Dean Maassen, Valentin Pfenniger, Manuel Prammer, Xhejlane Rexhepi, Julien Segarra, Sophie Anna Stadler, Dafina Sylejmani alias DACID GO8LIN, Dominik Szereday, and passers-by

21.00 Kunsthalle Wien, Skulpturenplatz, Karlsplatz

Performance with rapping by Mindj Panther
Simonida and Sandra Selimović (Vienna)
The performance is also connected with the major holiday for the Roma community that is Feast of Saint George. It is celebrated on 6 May 2019.

7.5.2019, Tuesday

12.00–15.00 Kunsthalle Wien, Skulpturenplatz, Karlsplatz

Workshop by Heba Y. Amin and with students and passers-by
Intimate Bureaucracy
Followed by interventions in space with talks and screenings.

19.00 Kunsthalle Wien, Museumsplatz 1 1070 Vienna

Public lecture by Heba Y. Amin
Female Subjectivities and Technological Dystopias
Organized by Studio for Conceptual Art [Post-conceptual Art Practices] Academy of Fine Arts Vienna and Kunsthalle Wien

Egyptian artist Heba Y. Amin grounds her work in extensive research that looks at the convergence of politics, technology, and architecture. Techno-utopian ideas, as manifest in characteristic machines of soft colonial power, are at the heart of Amin’s work. Starting from the idea that landscape is an expression of dominant political power, Heba Y. Amin looks for tactics of subversion and other techniques to undermine consolidated systems and flip historical narratives through critical spatial practice.

CV: Amin teaches at Bard College Berlin, is a doctoral fellow in art history at Freie Universität, and a current Field of Vision fellow in NYC. She is the co-founder of the Black Athena Collective, the curator of visual art for the MIZNA journal (US), and co-curator for the biennial residency program DEFAULT with Random Association (IT). Furthermore, Amin is also one of the artists behind the subversive graffiti action on the set of the television series “Homeland” which received worldwide media attention. Amin lives in Berlin.

8.5.2019, Wednesday

12.00–15.00 Kunsthalle Wien, Skulpturenplatz, Karlsplatz

Workshop by James Nguyen in situ with students and passers-by
Australia-Austria: A New Terra Nullius (immigration as amnesia) — the violence of recurrent colonisations in contemporary Australia
This workshop has been assisted by the University of NSW (Art & Design), Australia

CV: James Nguyen has received support and funding from The Australia Council for the Arts, Samstag, Creative Arts NSW, and the Clitheroe Foundation. Nguyen has completed a Bachelor of Pharmacy (Charles Sturt University Wagga Wagga), a Bachelor of Arts. Honours (National Art School, Sydney), a Masters of Fine Arts (Sydney College of Arts, University of Sydney) and currently a Ph.D. candidate at the University of NSW (Arts & Design). Nguyen has also been a fellow at UnionDocs (Centre for Experimental Documentary Arts, NYC), co-founder of Astute Art Investments International, on the artist’s board for WestSpace and currently a Gertrude Contemporary Studio Artist, Melbourne.

Followed by interventions in space with talks and screenings. The reflections are connected with 8 05. 1945, the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany, and the end of the WWII. Where are we standing today in the EU regarding rights?

18.00 Kunsthalle Wien, Skulpturenplatz, Karlsplatz

Statements and talk: What the disobedient bodies speak?
Organized by Grace Marta Latigo with the participation of Asma Aiad, Faris Cuchi, and Marissa Lobo

Talk with activists’ artists who carry historically marked bodies connecting intersectional questions and a narrative of epistemic disobedience. Disobedience is performed trough body-minds, body speeches, body genders, body sexualities and body counter hegemonic positions.

Zeitgenössische Kunst
Bildende Kunst
arts (general)
06.05.2019 (Mon) - 08.05.2019 (Wed)
18:00 -