smallforms mit Stefan Nussbaumer x Polyxene

smallforms seeks to support contemporary artists, whose music requires an attitude of listening

in collaboration with the artspace

Doors: 19h30
Music: 20h

Stefan Nussbaumer
Stefan Nussbaumer works at the interface between visual art and sound art. Originally from the visual arts (completed painting studies at the Wiener Hochschule für angewandte Kunst), he began in the early 2000s with algorithmic sound production, both for installative, artistic projects, as well as free improvisation in interplay with others Musicians and musicians. In his current work Stefan Nussbaumer follows the synaesthetic perception between sound and image. In this process, visual information (colors) are converted into control commands for the algorithmic sound generation by means of a self-developed smartphone application called “VideOSC”. The resulting expression may be understood both as musical work and as an “extended pictorial space”.

— as part of: smallforms sessions
we take one day to record in place a short work
and in the evening we open the doors for a live presentation.
production, creativity and social exchange | curated by Gustavo Petek


Polyxene from Athens is a Vienna based artist. Her sets are captivating due to her versatile collection,ranging from house to techno.But vintage electro,bass & acid with a subtle flavour of wave is her passion. She is involved in the Äther event series and lately started hosting Kosmo Kinetico.

— as part of: smallforms (o)
something good that follows a series of other fortunate events
or: the bottomless pit that may lead to the underworld (or hell).
live electronics, spoken word, spinning tunes, sweet stuff of pop culture | curated by Alisa Beck

arts (general)
14.12.2018 (Fri)
20:00 -
Chateau Rouge , 1120 Wien