Guests Artists Presentations

Organized by Marina Grzinic, Studio for Conceptual Art (Post-conceptual Art Practices) at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna. The presentation is possible thanks to the Artists-in-Residence program of the Austrian Federal Chancellery and KulturKontakt Austria.

Erdem Taşdelen │Canada/Turkey
Britta Benno │Estonia

19.15 – 19.30 Break

Heather Beardsley │USA
Iwona Ogrodzka and Karolina Balcer │Poland

Erdem Taşdelen

Title: The Curtain Sweeps Down
Erdem Taşdelen will present an overview of the themes explored in his recent project The Curtain Sweeps Down. He will take up the notion of pseudotranslation as a lens through which to view the social and political transformations in Turkey in the last few decades, and consider whether self-concealment can be an effective strategic tool to advance progressive politics in environments where open dissent may be too risky.

CV: Erdem Taşdelen is a Turkish-Canadian artist based in Toronto. His practice is rooted in conceptualism and involves a range of media including installation, video, sculpture, sound and artist books. His diverse projects bring self-expression into question within the context of culturally learned behaviors, where he often draws from unique historical narratives to address the complexities of current sociopolitical issues.

Britta Benno

Title: Estonian Contemporary Printmaking Female Artists: Spaces, Identities, Mediums

The main focus of the presentation is on contemporary women printmakers in Estonia, including Britta Benno’s latest works. What are the practices by the women artists selected by Benno Britta and how they reflect contemporary Estonian printmaking? The presentation approach is based on research and conversations with artists, analyzing their portfolios and art practices.

CV: Britta Benno is a printmaker and drawing artist living and working in Tallinn, Estonia. She presents autobiographical narratives in her personal graphic language while using various techniques – drawing, printmaking, animation and installation. She is preparing currently her doctoral research thesis at the in Estonian Academy of Arts on Estonian contemporary female printmaking artists and their spaces, identities, mediums.

Heather Beardsley

Title: Fabulatory Epistemology: the Art of Faking Science

For the past few of years I have been exploring intersections of art and science within my work, both by emulating how scientists work and borrowing the visual language with which scientific research is communicated to a non-expert public. This lecture would examine projects I have carried out over the past few years on this topic, examining the process and the outcomes of these works. I would also give a brief explanation of the project I am carrying out during the KulturKontakt residency in Vienna.

CV: Heather Beardsley is an American visual artist that received her BA from the University of Virginia in 2009, and her MFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in Fibers and Material Studies in 2015. After graduating, Beardsley was granted a Fulbright Scholarship for Installation Art in Vienna, Austria for the 2015-2016 academic year, and the following year she was awarded a twelve-month Braunschweig Projects International Artist Scholarship by the Ministry of Science and Culture of Lower Saxony, Germany. She has exhibited work throughout the United States and Europe, including New York, Chicago, Austria, Germany, Slovakia, the UK, and Ireland.

Iwona Ogrodzka and Karolina Balcer

Title: Art & Business Collective Wykwitex: How to build a successful team and make art together?

Iwona Ogrodzka and Karolina Balcer have been working as a part of an art collective called Wykwitex. Considering their artistic experience in a group made up of 7 members, they will show advantages and disadvantages of team work. It will contain the issue of co-authorship and the division of artistic work in the group. The presentation will contain examples of actions and divisions of the Wykwitex group.

CV: Iwona Ogrodzka, born 1991, graduated of the Academy of Fine Arts in Wroclaw. She works in the field of new media art, installation and painting. Karolina Balcer, born in 1988, lives and works in Wroclaw. She is active in various fields, including painting, video and installations in public spaces. Balcer is particularly interested in architecture as a tool of organizing social life. Ogrodzka and Balcer are members of the Managing Board of Wykwitex, Wroclaw (Poland).

Bildende Kunst
arts (general)