Denitsa Todorova - Like A Star Above You

Das STRABAG Kunstforum freut sich, zur Eröffnung der Ausstellung
der Anerkennungspreisträgerin des STRABAG Artaward International 2017
Denitsa Todorova herzlich einzuladen.

Hannes Truntschnig, Vorstandsmitglied STRABAG SE

Elsy Lahner, Kuratorin Albertina Wien und Jurymitglied

Die Künstlerin ist anwesend.

What if art is about adding, inventing, completing and creating from the white page? What if an artist can do nothing but imagine how a motif is shaped on the virgin canvas? Hesitant and thoughtful, or quick and purposeful: images and meanings come into being. What did not exist is created, layer after layer. Denitsa Todorova (1984, Plovdiv, Bulgaria) covers thin, large-format sheets of paper with a thick layer of graphite powder until the rectangular black page takes on a slightly sculptural quality. The graphite is like a layer of soil, a surface that you must approach like an archaeologist. Todorova describes the process as ?digging in the structure? which requires time and patience. She removes the material until fragments of the underlying paper become vaguely visible. The point at which the negative becomes positive, or vice versa, is not immediately obvious. Every drawing is the result of a type of performance, a choreography without spectators that the artist performs. Todorova reveals shapes that are based on an individual process of remembering and imagining. Fascinated by things that are imperceptible but exist, she highlights them on the sheet.
Eric Min, 2017 (Extract)

Bildende Kunst
arts (general)
11.01.2018 (Thu) - 09.02.2018 (Fri)
18:00 -
Artlounge im STRABAG Haus , 1220 Wien Artlounge im Strabag Haus, Donau-City-Straße 9, 1220 Wien