Transmediale Kunst: Claudia Hart

Mixed Reality

Claudia Hart has been active as an artist, curator and critic since 1988. She works with digital trompe l?oeil as a medium, directing theater and making media objects of all kinds.

Hart creates virtual representations that take the form of 3d imagery integrated into photography, multi-channel animation installations, performances and sculptures using advanced production techniques such as Rapid Prototyping, CNC routing and augmented-reality custom apps.
Hart?s works are widely exhibited and collected by galleries and museums including the Museum of Modern Art and the Metropolitan Museum, the New Museum, Eyebeam Center for Art + Technology, where she was an honorary fellow in 2013-14. She works with Transfer and bitforms galleries, both in New York. Hart lives in Chicago where she is a tenured professor at the School of Art Institute, in the department of Film Video, New Media and Animation.

Bildende Kunst
arts (general)
25.10.2017 (Wed)
16:00 -
Angewandte Expositur Vordere Zollamtsstraße 3 , 1030 Wien 1. Stock, Seminarraum 10