Melanie Cobham: incipiente

Melanie Cobham_incipiente_Solo Show
x Live Painting at the gallery for ‘Kunst am Schwendermarkt II’

Vernissage: 10.10. 6-10PM || Finissage: 13.10. 5-10PM ||
Opening hours: 11-12.10 3-7PM

incipiente (es) or incipient (en): beginning to happen or develop

“Time has always been one of the variables that de?ne artistic perception, creation and appreciation. It is impossible to conceive art as separated from its time, and although this is something that appeals to all artists, I often ?nd that I?m obsessed with the depiction of that time, with the dilemma of encapsulating its perception in a medium that is always insu?cient for the fourth dimension.
I am concerned with the deception that illusory concepts such as time and reality build around us, shaping our behavior. In the following works, I have attempted to represent time through transitions, metamorphosis of elements between which I ?nd a connection. I am also interested in exploring the behavior of light and how it can seem to suspend time, creating abstract shapes within the most realistic of environments.
I pretend to create work that is as ambiguous and surreal as these concepts, aiming to encapsulate time, understand its behavior in nature and how it conditions humans, by managing the observer?s length of perception at my own will.”

Live Painting for ’Kunst am Schwendermarkt II

During the vernissage and exhibition opening hours, we invite you to come to the gallery see the live painting by Melanie. The 2x6 m canvas will be painted for the “Kunst am Schwendermarkt” project and will be hung at Mariahilferstraße by the Schwendermarkt.
The collaboration project with LANDKIND and Schwendermarkt is supported by the head of the district Gerhard Zatlokal and the Marktamt (MA59).

Melanie Cobham is an Uruguayan Visual Artist and Product Designer, interested in working with topics such as (self) perception and its distortion, the ambiguity of the “real”, the boundary between “I” and “you?, free will (or its illusion), patterns endlessly repeated in nature, the absurdity of the human behavior, among many others.
She often chooses two-dimensional grounds, using pen or ink to represent situations where everything is manifested as a dual reality between ?gurative hyperrealism and the most absolute abstraction.
In?uenced by the work of M.C. Escher, Magritte, and conceptual artist Luis Camnitzer, she purposefully places her work under a lens, often imperceptible, that produces that friction between reality and ?ction, between hyperrealism and abstraction, between art and life.

Bildende Kunst
arts (general)
10.10.2017 (Tue) - 13.10.2017 (Fri)
19:00 -
Improper Walls , 1150 Wien