Dopust Vienna 2017 - As far as I can go

DOPUST / Days of open performance VIENNA 2017

AS FAR AS I CAN GO | radical movements
20.6.- 1.7.2017 / 29.6.-2.9.2017

?arko Aleksi?, Milan Bozi?, Cristina Calderoni, Vlasta Delimar, Frustrac?ja, Gentle Women Group (Aleksandra Artamonova, Evgeniya Lapteva), Sini?a Labrovi?, Anna Lerchbaumer, Marko Markovi?, Mindy Yan & Marcus Miller, Lala Nomada, Laura Rambelli, Jasmin Schaitl, Selma Selman, Tiberius Stanciu, Bojana Stamenkovic, Marko Stamenkovic, Slaven Tolj, Alexander Viscio

DOPUST / Days of open performance Split, galerie michaela stock and 12-14 contemporary

WHEN: opening: Thursday, 29. June, 4 pm

galerie michaela stock, Schleifmühlgasse 18, 1040 Vienna
12-14 contemporary, Schleifmühlgasse 12-14, 1040 Vienna

The art project consists of three parts, a workshop, the performance festival DOPUST / Days of open performance VIENNA 2017 and a thematically matching exhibition focusing on performance.

Performance art keeps making radical claims. It questions the moral boundaries of society and tries to break taboos. The body is very often an important element in this; it becomes an object and is used to work on like a sculpture or canvas. Such performative works do not aim at changing society, but rather at presenting and revealing it. Both the symbolic and the real struggles of the respective artists reach their limits here.

AS FAR AS I CAN GO – radical movement has dedicated itself to exploring these phenomena in depth and comprises performative works of international artists of all ages from different cultural backgrounds.

Divergent positions and borderline situations such as the material, social, disciplined, traumatized and/or sexual body take center stage through artistic expressions like photography, installation, video and live performance. The ethics of catharsis, the aggression repressed by civilization, is brought back to our consciousness and the borderline experiences of the producers themselves navigate those of the recipients. The thin line between personal experience and social situation are thematized in all exhibits and performances. The boundaries between power and powerlessness, between oneself and the other/the opposite, between watching and intervening are sounded out.


LOCATION 1: AS FAR AS I CAN GO – radical movements
galerie michaela stock, Schleifmühlgasse 18, 1040 Vienna

20.06 | 18-22h | PERFORMANCE WORKSHOP Jasmin Schaitl, The line in our body, the line in architecture - Approaches through awareness

29.06. | 16-23h | EXHIBITION opening galerie michaela stock
29.06. | 18-19h | PERFORMANCE ?arko Aleksi? / SRB, willpool
29.06. | 19-20h | PERFORMANCE Gentle Women Group / RU, TBA
29.06. | 18-21h | PERFORMANCE Jasmin Schaitl / AT, following

30.06. | 18-19h | CATALOGUE PRESENTATION Vlasta Delimar & Andrej Mir?ev, Right to orgasm in the 60s
30.06. | 20-21h | PERFORMANCE Frustrac?ja, Frieze. Your far is maybe farther than mine, but it sucks for both of us now
30.06. | 21-22h PERFORMANCE Marko Markovi? / HR, TBA

01.07. | 16-17h | TALK Marko Stamenkovic / SRB, TO DIE OUT LAUGHING
01.07. | 16-22h | PERFORMANCE Sini?a Labrovi? / HR, PRIVATE PROPERTY
01.07. | 19-20h | PERFORMANCE Milan Bozi? / HR, Honor … K
01.07. | 20-21h | PERFORMANCE Anna Lerchbaumer / AT, Circular Causality

12-14 contemporary, Schleifmühlgasse 12-14, 1040 Vienna
29.06. | 17-18h | Inauguration of the Urban Gareding Parklet by Tiberius Stanciu / ROU
29.06.-01.07. every day from 17-21h
PERFORMANCE Cristina Calderoni / IT, Nice to meet you
PERFORMANCE Lala Nomada / MEX, s/t
PERFORMANCE Bojana Stamenkovic /SRB. Beneath the surface17-20h
PERFORMANCE Mindy Yan Miller & Marcus Miller / CAN, Six Million stitches VIENNA: SIXTY-FIVETHOUSAND
PERFORMANCE Laura Rambelli / IT, Placenta

DRINKS & COOKING by Barbatti fine food | 29.6.- 2.7.2017 | 12 am – 10 pm

We would like to thank our parnters and sponsors
Barbatti fine food, Bezirk Wieden, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, Stadt Wien, CAPRA, hufak, Inmaco, KONOI, Vöslauer, Weingut Johannes Gebeshuber, Weingut Polz, Stadt Wien, 3TS Capital Partners, 100 Blumen

DOPUST /Days of open performance VIENNA 2017
organisation / coordination: Michaela Stock / Marko Markovic

Darstellende Kunst
arts (general)
29.06.2017 (Thu) - 02.09.2017 (Sat)
16:00 -