Artists' presentation MYaE-Hub: Going International

Final Presentation ?Going International?
Make Yourself an Expert Hub 2017

Participating artists: Josef Bares, Kati Bruder, Veronika Burger, Iris Dittler, Ana Garcia-Pineda, Lena Gold, Samantha Harvey, Siegmund Skalar, Ivana Tkal?i?, Alois Yang

The One Day Final Presentation ?HAURUCK? takes place on 22nd of June, from 6pm until 10pm, at Schönbrunner Straße 6.

In our workshop discussions, we agreed that our group of 10 artists-in-residence could be at the base of a future mutual support network. We have taken this idea seriously. Prints have been traditionally used for promoting and internationally spreading knowledge about works of art. The decision to create a set of prints is the first step of GOing INTERNATIONAL, as our artworks will travel to the Czech Republic, Germany, Croatia, Great Britain, Spain, Austria and beyond.

Furthermore, functioning of the art market has also been discussed in the workshop. Sharing our artworks among us is a reaction to this discussion. Only a very small fraction of artists can ever be successful. Success is relative, and it depends on effort and luck in equal parts. Realistically, the chances of MAKING A LIVING IN THE ARTS by selling our art are very thin. Nevertheless, while there’s life, there is hope. The pooling and exchange of our artistic labor is an investment of mutual trust: we shall care for each other?s works and co-promote them together among with our own work.

We respect our mutual creative freedom, and we have decided not to limit the content of the individual prints. Each of us is free to select a motive that is representative of his artistic style and themes. The aim of NXT was to develop artistic strategies and not new artworks, therefore the stress of the print edition project remains on the strategic concept that it is trying to achieve and not on the content of the individual prints.

The title ?Hauruck!? refers to the German interjection used for doing a collective move that is short and focused on causing a movement. It reflects the spontaneous nature in which the NXT workshops, our discussions and the conception of the edition took place. As individual creatives, we constantly face precarious conditions and a lack of clarity. A quick Hauruck might be the most efficient way to move a little step forward towards our goal. MAKE A LIVING. GO INTERNATIONAL. HAU RUCK!

NXT – Making a Living from the Arts is a 3-year project co-funded by the EU Creative Europe programme. ELIA – the European League of Institutes of the Arts, the major multidisciplinary membership organisation for higher arts education institutions, is the project?s main coordinator, working in collaboration with 25 partners from 15 countries. The NXT project supports the career development of emerging artists and the exchange of best practices between art schools and universities in the field of cultural entrepreneurship.
To find out more about the NXT project and its activities, please refer to the digital platform

The Make Yourself an Expert HUB ?Going International? hosted by the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna ( and supported by the Centre for Knowledge Transfer East ( is providing a training programme for emerging artists to give a boost to their artistic career. In cooperation with the NXT residency programme initiated by the European League of Institutions of the Arts (ELIA) five international artists have been invited to work and participate with five Vienna based artists for three months to develop visions, strategies and skills to support an international development. Besides the training programme the participating artists have collectively come up with the idea to create a limited edition of numbered and signed A3-sized prints for the final presentation of their works.

arts (general)
22.06.2017 (Thu)
18:00 -
SSTR6 , 1040 Wien