Vienna Improvisers Orchestra: Exchange_ Planet VIO-2

Michael Fischer, instant composition conducting

The Vienna Improvisers Orchestra focuses on conducted instant
composition, a specific form of complex improvised music abd
experimental composition. Within an oscillating process musicians and conductor create ad hoc composition, mediated by a vocabulary of hand-sign conducting. - The Vienna Improvisers Orchestra is Austria’s first orchestra dedicating itself to this method which has been developed in variety by a few improvising orchestras within the last 15-20 years, mostly referring to Lawrence D. Butch Morris’ work on ‘conductions’.
Performing in ever changing line-ups the Vienna Improvisers Orchestra unifies singers and musicians out of acoustic and electro-acoustic improvised music, contemporary composed music, jazz and eminent new music ensembles such as Tonkünstler NÖ, Klangforum Wien, ensemble xx.
jahrhundert or JazzwerkstattWien and is a permanent and spontaneous welcoming host for international musicians.
Since its beginning the possible processes of merging sound and
recitation, their vice versa influence, the metamorphosis of sound-
and word-pictures a.o. phenomenons arising, were an additional beam of the VIO’s poetic presence, hence the VIO is collaborating with
splendid writers in experimental poetry.
The Vienna Improvisers Orchestra works within a wide range of projects a.o. collaborating with choirs, multi lingual or within
interdisciplinary contexts.
The Vienna Improvisers Orchestra was launched by Michael Fischer in 2004.
Eintritt frei

arts (general)
17.11.2016 (Thu)
19:00 -