Marina Sula: Soft Power


Marina Sula?s inquiry to explore dynamics of and impacts on affect and sense in the age of technologically mediated experiences and communication, in Soft Power, evolves around narratives of rituals and liturgy, or continuous performances of subjectification, in a new series of abstract drawings and photographs indexing and depicting exchanges with interfaces as a locus of tangible intimacy, well-being, and meditation. An installation of diptychons translating transcendence back into immanence, Soft Power foregrounds frictions and vulnerability occurring in the adaptation of the subject?s soft tissue to demands of the infinite feedback loop – and stages slippages between control, agency and compulsion in a scenography of practices of faith in complete connectivity and self-optimization.

  • Franziska Sophie Wildförster
Bildende Kunst
arts (general)
13.09.2016 (Tue) - 15.10.2016 (Sat)
18:00 -