Lawrence Weiner ? Full Circle

Bundesminister Dr. Josef Ostermayer
Mag. Peter Bogner, Kurator und Direktor der Friedrich Kiesler Stiftung

Friedrich Kiesler Stiftung
Mariahilfer Straße 1b, 1060 Wien
Öffnungszeiten: Di-Fr 9-17 Uhr, Sa 11-15 Uhr

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Lawrence Weiner, born in 1942 in New York, is regarded as one of the essential figures not only of conceptual art in particular, but of contemporary art in general. For him, language is the means for creating art.

For the Frederick Kiesler Foundation, Weiner has completely redesigned his work FULL CIRCLE, created in 1999. His profound concept of space, his analysis of each specific spatial situation characterize Weiner?s ?uvre – here, a bridge to Frederick Kiesler?s work, which revolved around the superordinate idea of an endless space throughout all his life, is built in complete independence.

For the exhibition at the Frederick Kiesler Foundation, Lawrence Weiner did not only create new wall installations, but is also responsible for the design of the exhibition?s poster and booklet.

Zeitgenössische Kunst
Bildende Kunst
arts (general)
25.02.2016 (Thu) - 30.06.2016 (Thu)
19:00 -