Disparue - Disappeared

Im Rahmen ihrer Artist in Residency im nadaLokal vom 15.-21.Februar präsentiert die Chilenische Tänzerin Marcela Santander am Donnerstag, 18.Februar um 19h ihre Arbeit.


For this dance, I will be crouched. I will be down, I will see thing from below. I dive into that phantom posture, close to the floor, to visit the memory of the gestures which constitute it.
It is an ancient posture, a waiting posture, a working posture; it is a posture sometimes difficult, uncomfortable; a posture that we would think could prevent movement. I am looking for a new fiction space. I tell what I see below and what is happening there. The hair, the breast, the sex and the legs will build a dance ?from below?. I will not be able to collapse, I will not be able to rush forward. My knees will be bent, I will walk, I will jump?

Born in Chile, Santander Marcela Corvalán was trained at the dance theater at the Scuola d’Arte Dramatica Paolo Grassi in Milan and at Centre national de danse contemporaine d?Angers contemporary dance in contemporary dance. Alongside her training, she studied history at the University of Trento in Italy and the theory of dance at the University Paris-8. Since 2011, she worked with the choreographers Dominique Brown (#197 and Sacre Sacre #2) and Faustin Linyekula (Stronghold). She also works in collaboration with choreographer Mickaël Phelippeau (Chorus, Set-Up Duos) and is creative director of the festival À DOMICILE.

Darstellende Kunst
arts (general)
18.02.2016 (Thu)
19:00 -
nadaLokal , 1150 Wien