Jennifer Lacey

What?s your Problem and What Action to Take or: Your Body is the Event in a Long Long String of Events that is Difficult to Grasp and What to Do about it


Sie sollten ein Problem haben und bereits sein, dies öffentlich zu diskutieren. Eine öffentliche Eins-zu-Eins Situation, welche die Ausstellung dazu verwendet, persönliche oder kreative Probleme zu untersuchen und Phantasien über ihre mögliche Lösung zu entwickeln. Bitte kontaktieren sie uns, wenn sie teilnehmen möchten.

?So difficult to live in time don?t you agree? But we really haven?t figured out another way so we have to think up interesting ways to cope. This show is a one-on-one session in public that uses the current exhibition as an an interpretive tool to examine a personal or creative problem and fantasize about it?s possible trajectory. The works exhibited here, which were things that needed to happen, happened and are now not happening in the same way, become our major arcana for the interpreting of our predicament. These documents and vestiges, through decades of careful and loving institutional sifting have become something other than the original action, allegory perhaps. We can do them and ourselves a kindness by considering that they might still be active. By taking them quite seriously as the myths they have become we might liberate the past event from its shackles to the present. By spending time with our problem as a issue of art we might temporarily experience the very pleasant sensation of having understood. You must have a problem and be willing to discuss it in public. Please contact: if you would like to participate.? (Jennifer Lacey)

In Kooperation mit ImPulsTanz

Diese Performance kann mit einer mumok Eintrittskarte (mit ImPulsTanz-Performanceticket ermäßigt für – 7,-) besucht werden.

Darstellende Kunst
arts (general)
01.08.2015 (Sat)
19:30 -
mumok , 1070 Wien