Präsentation der Edition: Martin Grandits

Prä­sen­ta­ti­on der Edi­ti­on

Mar­tin Gran­dits

“Nur Ba­res ist Wah­res”

Laufende Ausstellung:

spring 2015

Martin Grandits makes sculptures, performances and conceptual artworks. By merging several seemingly incompatible worlds into a new universe, he uses a visual vocabulary that addresses many different social and political issues. The work incorporates time as well as space – a fictional and experiential universe that only emerges bit by bit. His sculptures are often about contact with architecture and basic living elements. Space and landscape are examined in less obvious ways and sometimes developed in absurd ways. In a search for new methods to ?read the city?, he touches various overlap- ping themes and strategies. Several reoccurring subject matter can be recognised, such as the relation with popular culture and media, working with repetition, provocation and the investigation of the process of expectations. His works often refers to pop and mass culture. Using written and drawn symbols, a world where light-heartedness rules and where rules are undermined is created.
By using popular themes, he focuses on the idea of ?public space? and more specifically on spaces where anyone can do anything at any given moment: the non-private space, the non-privately owned space, space that is economically unin- teresting.
Sometimes his works bear strong political references. The possibility or the dream of the annulment of a (historically or socially) fixed identity is a constant focal point.

Ausstellungsdauer: 28. April - 31. Mai, 2015
Duration: April 28th - Mai 31st, 2015

arts (general)
Bildende Kunst
18.05.2015 (Mon)
19:00 -