The Project: Reflecting on the logic of project economies

THE PROJECT: Reflecting on the logic of project economies

ART & SCIENCE (ZG24), Vordere Zollamtsstraße 3, 1030 

– Marianne Badura (Managing Partner, blue! Advancing European Project)
– Monika Krause (Sociology, Goldsmiths, University of London)
– Andrew Newman (Artist & Researcher)
– Christian Reder (Consultant & Writer)

The term ?project? designates a universal currency of our time. Like a turbulent flow of smaller or bigger packages of time, space and energy it penetrates almost every domain of our lives. Working, teaching, studying, researching, frequently becomes a matter of taking part in this project economy. In this minisymposium we would like to ask how acting within the framework of definable projects affects decision-making and knowledge production in more solid structures like institutions, organisations, programs and disciplines. How does ?projectification? shape education and learning by creating new hidden curricula? Do projects help to promote initiative and responsibility, and, do they help to create greater efficiency and flexibility through goal-oriented work? Our guests will help to reflect upon these and other  issues by referring to the following fields: project development and strategy consulting relating to EU funding, intricacies of the decision-making process at NGOs, project work in the arts, and the creation of cryptocurrencies.

The topic of the minisymposium  relates to the ?Atlas making? project in the Art&Science master?s program this year. Here, the notion of an atlas connects to a collective empiricism of a scientific discipline (sometimes described as a collection of images). Interestingly, today this knowledge generation in the form of formatting presumably short-lived facts into costly publications seems to become a rare event. Rather, knowledge is produced and documented in complex bureaucratic files, digital and web based archives, electronic patient records and, of course, by projects of all sorts.

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Concept & realisation: Bernd Kräftner 
in collaboration with Brishty Alam & Valerie Deifel

Biographies of speakers:

(Managing Partner, blue! Advancing European Projects)

Marianne Badura has been an independent landscape planner and consultant since 1998. Apart from European projects she has worked mainly on regional environmental projects in Bavaria. As a landscape planner and GIS expert she has extensive knowledge in nature and environmental protection issues. She also has vast experience in development, coordination and management of European cooperation projects, particularly in the field of Twinning in Eastern Europe.

blue! Advancing European Projects GbR emanated in 2003 from a merger of the two companies. The company offers skills and competencies in project development and strategy consulting relating to EU funding. The company covers the whole range of services from practical support in developing project proposals up to complex strategic tasks for administrations at regional and federal levels. The services reflect the different levels at which people in the private and public sector are in contact with EU funding.

(Artist & Researcher)

Andrew Newman is an artist and researcher based between Sydney and Vienna. His performative art practice poetically utilises methodologies from the communication sciences to examine value construction in contemporary culture. He has been researching cryptocurrencies at the Artistic Technology Lab at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna since 2013 and is currently investigating artistic knowledge production as a PhD candidate at the National Institute for Experimental Arts in Australia. He is a director and editorial board member of the journal Runway Australian Experimental Arts and editor for the upcoming Journal for Research Cultures: Epistemic Practices in Arts and Technology. Newman completed his MFA in Media Arts at the Sydney College of the Arts and the Berlin University of the Arts and his MA in Communication at the University of Technology Sydney and the University of Hamburg. Newman is the director of the Austria Australia Arts Alliance which creates an exchange of experimental art positions between Austrian and Australian researchers and artists. Newman regularly exhibits his work and performs internationally.

(Sociology, Goldsmiths, University of London)

Monika Krause teaches sociology at the Goldsmiths College, University of London. She studied sociology at the Universities of Munich and Cambridge. She holds a Ph.D. in Sociology from New York University and a MA in Political Sociology from the London School of Economics. Her research addresses comparative questions about forms of expertise, professions, and organizations. Her book ?The Good Project. Humanitarian Relief NGOs and the Fragmentation of Reason? (Chicago University Press 2014) examines the shared space of humanitarian relief organizations. She published in European Journal of Sociology, Sociological Review, European Journal of Social Theory, European Journal of Political Theory, Media, Culture and Society, in Poetics, Public Culture and Leviathan. Monika Krause is a Junior Fellow at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZIF) at the University of Bielefeld.

(Consultant & Writer)

Christian Reder was born in 1944. He studied at the University of Vienna (social sciences & economics) and is a consultant, writer and emeritus professor at the University of Applied Arts Vienna (Head of the Center of Art and Knowledge Transfer). He is also editor of the book series Edition Transfer at Springer Wien New York, and co-editor of the newspapers Recherche (science) and Volltext (literature) Vienna.

In research and writing his focus is on contemporary history and the arts: dialogbooks with artists and scientists (e. g. Lesebuch Projekte, 2006; Daniel Defoe. Ein Essay über Projekte, 2006; Forschende Denkweisen, 2004; Wiener Museumsgespräche, 1988), orientation and world views (Kartographisches Denken, 2012) and area studies focussed on contemporary history (Graue Donau, Schwarzes Meer, 2008; Danube Region and Black Sea | Sahara. Text und Bildessays, 2004; North Africa | Transferprojekt Damaskus, 2004; Afghanistan, fragmentarisch, 2004; Middle East).

Zeitgenössische Kunst
Bildende Kunst
arts (general)
07.05.2015 (Thu)
14:00 -
Angewandte Expositur Vordere Zollamtsstraße 3 , 1030 Wien - ART & SCIENCE Department (ZG24)