The File: On the temporal dimensions of electronic patient records

Vordere Zollamtsstraße 3, 1030

Ulrike Felt Science and Technology Studies, University of Vienna
Giulio Superti-Furga Genom Austria project, CeMM*
Alexander Gaiger Psycho Oncology, University Clinic Internal Medicine I/Vienna General Hospital
Susanne Rasoul-Rockenschaub AKIM** project, CeMSIIS/MIAS***, Medical University of Vienna

In this minisymposium we would like to ask whether a file, such as the electronic patient record, extends our understanding of a scientific atlas. By means of complex information architectures, bureaucracy produces dynamic data containers that allow us to assemble heterogeneous media. Using the example of hospital/medical information systems we, together with our guests, will investigate whether the integration and structuring of multimodal patient data enriches, or even challenges, the traditional medical atlas as a school for the visual perception and aesthetic experience of patients? bodies. In particular, we are interested in how the introduction of a temporal dimension and the interlinking of patient care, scientific research and patient management affect clinical practice. Do we, as patients, become multimedial log files and biobanks?

The topic is related to the ?Atlas making? project in the Art&Science master?s programme this year. A scientific atlas is the result of the collective empiricism of a scientific discipline and can be described as a collection of images. These images play an important role in calibrating the eye of the members and academic offspring of that discipline. (Daston/Galison 2007). The assignment for the students is to develop an ?atlas? that provides a basis for the collective and empirical knowledge transfer of a newly invented discipline.

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Concept & realisation: Bernd Kräftner
in collaboration with Brishty Alam & Valerie Deifel

*Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
**General Hospital Information Management
***Center for Medical Statistics, Informatics & Intelligent Systems/Medical Information & Retrieval Systems

Medien & Technologie
arts (general)
04.03.2015 (Wed)
14:00 -
Angewandte Expositur Vordere Zollamtsstraße 3 , 1030 Wien ArtScience, Vordere Zollamtsstrasse 3, 1030 Wien