Metaday #65: Building an open source digital cinema camera

he Metalab is glad to invite everyone interested to Metaday #65

on Friday, March 7 2014, 19:30 (20:00)
at Metalab, Rathausstraße 6,
downtown Vienna close to the city hall – free entry

== Building an open source digital cinema camera ==

// Functional Prototype Presentation

Lecturers: Herbert Pötzl, Axiom Technical Lead
Sebastian Pichelhofer, Project Lead, Software Development – @ApertusOSCinema

The goal of the community driven apertus° project is to create a variety of powerful,
free (in terms of liberty) and open cinema tools that we as filmmakers love to use.
The idea of building an open cinema camera using an Elphel camera for this particular
purpose was born in 2006, found many followers over the years and ultimately resulted
in this project entitled “apertus”.

apertus°’ latest efforts are to build the first ever open hardware and free software
digital cinema camera from scratch: apertus° Axiom. The prototype camera is now being
presented to the public for the first time in Austria.


== Lightning Talks ==

Lightning Talks are a entertaining format of short lectures presenting current
ideas, ongoing projects and particularly work-in-progress. The length of a talk
is strictly limited to 5 minutes. You’re invited to add your talk yourself.

== Afterparty ==

Buffet, wine and ambient/downtempo chillout music

Medien & Technologie
arts (general)
07.03.2014 (Fri)
20:00 -
Metalab , 1010 Wien