paraflows .8 - Konzertreihe: Wagensommerer, deepseafishK

Konzertreihe paraflows.8 OPEN CULTURE
19. bis 22. September 2013

Donnerstag, 19. September 2013

20:00 Ulrich Troyer

Ulrich Troyer arbeitet als freischaffender Musiker und Künstler in Wien. Mitglied des Gemüseorchesters (seit 2005). Releases als Solokünstler: “Nok” (Mego, 2000), “Rose de Shiraz” (Deluxe Records, 2003), “Sehen mit Ohren” (Transacoustic Research, 2007), “Songs for William” (Deep Medi Musik, 2011), “meets Georg Blaschke: Somatic Soundtracks” (4Bit Productions, 2012). Fokus: elektronische Musik, Soundinstallationen,Tuschzeichnung und Trickfilm, Soundtracks für Tanz, Theater und Film.

21:00 Peter Kirn

Peter Kirn is an active and engaged open culture advocate, releasing much of his writing and music under a Creative Commons licenses. He performs for this event live with performance tools he shares via GitHub, including the open source MeeBlip hardware synthesizer and Pd for Processing library, each of which he helped develop.

Freitag, 20. September 2013

20:00 Thomas Grill

Thomas Grill arbeitet als Komponist und Performer elektroakustischer Musik, als Medien-künstler, Technologe und Klangforscher. Seine Arbeiten reichen von interaktiver audio-visueller Installation zu Instrumentalkomposition und Improvisation. Zahlreiche Auftritte und Präsentationen, sowie wissenschaftliche Publikationen und Vorträge. Kooperationen mit namhaften Künstlern aus den Bereichen Musik, Literatur, Theater, Tanz und Video.

21:00 Tim Blechmann

Tim Blechmann was born and lives in a foreign country.
He attended various scientific and artistic universities and has a degree in both fields. As researcher he has published in the field between arts and sciences, though he prefers to keep his research and artistic work separate, as research is for the brain, and arts is for the heart. he played a lot of improvised music, loud and quiet, on festivals and in living rooms, sometimes in europe, sometimes abroad, sometimes solo, sometimes in duos, as he
considers this as the most direct and intimate musical encounter.
Always using free software, often his own. He also collaborated with like-minded fine artists, working on installations or abstract animations. His compositions are sometimes completely digital, sometimes involving
analog material.

Samstag, 21. September 2013

20:00 Veronika Mayer

Veronika Mayer is a freelance composer, musician and sound artist living in Vienna. Her works include instrumental and electroacoustic compositions, sound installations and performances with live electronics. She is active as electronic improviser, performing solo and in different collaborations, also with visual artists. In her electronic performances she explores the continuous evolvement and expansion of single grains of sound. Focusing on the striking results of very smooth and minimal changes in sound modulation, she is observing the slightest differences and variations during these processes of manipulation.Her works have been presented at various festivals for contemporary and experimental music and soundart in Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Great Britain, Italy and Mexico. She received commissions by Wien Modern, Jeunesse Wien, ÖGZM, Ensemble Reconsil, Ensemble Platypus, Hörstadt, The International Rosario Marciano Piano Competition, amongst others. Veronika Mayer studied electronic music, composition and classical piano at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna and is a member of the Austrian network snim – spontaneous network for improvised music.

20:00 Conny Zenk

Conny Zenk - visual composer and media artist based in Vienna and Shanghai;
focusing on collaborations with musicians, dancers and performers to improvise
and generate outputs of granular flickering, lines, dust and strobes.
Various performances and exhibitions in Europe, Russia and China.

21:00 Uli Kühn

Uli Kühn (, geb. 1982 in Niederösterreich, lebt und arbeitet in Wien & Waidhofen. Er absolviert 2005-2012 das Studium an der Universität für angewandte Kunst, Bildhauerei und Multimedia, Klasse Erwin Wurm mit Diplomabschluß. Seit 2010 ist er Univ.Lektor an der Universität für angewandte Kunst (analoge/digitale schnittstellen) und Ländervertreter der IG Kultur. Im Jahr 2009 machte er seinen Diplomabschluß an der Universität für angewandte Kunst (Kunst und kommunikative Praxis, Klasse Barbara Putz-Plecko).

Sonntag, 22. September 2013

20:00 Wagensommerer

Lives and works in Vienna, Austria.
Studies of Digital Mediatechnology at the University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten, Philosophy at the University Vienna, Transdiciplinary Art (TransArts) at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. Works as mediaartist, musician and theoretician in both installative and performative ways.

21:00 deepseafishK

Katharina Klement, Juun, Manon Liu Winter - HorizontalSaitenInstrumente
Eintauchen in das Innere von Instrumenten. K wie Keys, Instrumente wie Klaviere, nackte Klavierinnenräume, Clavichorde. Eine Welt aus Holz und Metall, in der sich Aktivität enfaltet, Bewegung, die Klänge auslöst. Feinst gesponnene Klänge, aber auch unter größter Anspannung den Instrumenten abgeschabte oder aus ihnen herausgehämmerte. Mal hautnah und knisternd trocken, mal weitläufig und beinahe unheimlich durch den dunklen Nachhall der Resonanzkörper, oft in flirrenden Überlagerungen.

arts (general)
22.09.2013 (Sun)
20:00 -
das weisse haus , 1010 Wien