Helved Rüm, Margaret Unkown, Katharina Ernst

HELVED RÜM is a duo of improvised / electroacoustic music formed by drummer Julien Chamla and electroacoustician Simon Henocq. The device is very simple, a microphone stands above the drums and the sounds are transformed by a real time processing. This is not only a way to transfigure the frictions, screeching and all kinds of sounds developped on the drums, but this formula also allows a strong and unusual interplay between the two musicians. HELVED RÜM’s music goes from very organic and animalistic feelings to a massive and industrial energy. Within free improvisation they are exploring a high range of dynamics and a multiplicity of sounds and densities. Margaret Unknown & Katharina Ernst will join up the band for a 2nd Set. JULIEN CHAMLA; drums SIMON HENOCQ; live processing of drums MARGARET UNKNOWN; voice, metal, strings, synthesizer, microphones KATHARINA ERNST; drums, toys

arts (general)
16.10.2012 (Tue)
20:00 -
VEKKS , 1120 Wien