Digitale Kunst: Mike Phillips (UK): "There are more things in heaven and earth..."

ARTIST TALK - Digitale Kunst: Mike Phillips (UK): “There are more things in heaven and earth…”
Public Lecture
26. Januar 2012, 14:30 - 16:30
Angewandte, Digitale Kunst, Expositur Sterngasse 13, 1010 Wien
Mike Phillips spricht im Rahmen seines Vortrags an der Digitalen Kunst zum Kontext seiner Arbeit “Spectre”, die im Schauraum Angewandte/quartier21 ausgestellt wird. (Ausstellungseröffnung 26.1.2012 - 19:00).
This presentation locates the Spectre installation within the portfolio of data driven work and ‘nano’ art developed by Mike Phillips and collaborators. These projects explore the ubiquity of data streamed from an instrumentalised world and its potential as a material for manifesting things that lie outside of the normal frames of reference - things so far away, so close, so massive, so small and so ad infinitum. These digital practices use alchemical processes that enable a series of transformations: from data to code to experience to behaviour. The instruments that now do our seeing for us translate their visions through data. The emergence of digital imaging technologies that provide access to photons from the edge of the universe and the atomic force that binds molecules offer us a whole new vocabulary for articulating the world. Atomic Force Microscope, Scanning Electron Microscope, X-ray computed tomography and the Radio telescope open up new dimensions, as more dimensions are unveiled, more realities are modelled and more truths envisioned. There are (to paraphrase Hamlet) more things in heaven and earth than currently dreamt of in our media philosophy.

Mike Phillips is Professor of Interdisciplinary Arts at the University of Plymouth. R&D orbits digital architectures and transmedia publishing, and is manifest in a series of ‘Operating Systems’ to dynamically manifest ‘data’ as experience in order to enhance perspectives on a complex world. The Operating Systems project explores data as an abstract and invisible material that generates a dynamic mirror image of our biological, ecological and social activities.
Mike Phillips is director of, an Arts Research Organisation that acts as a catalyst for creative innovation across the fields of Art, Science and Technology, facilitating regional, national and international collaborations and cultural projects. As a networked organisation and ‘cultural broker’ i-DAT’s transdisciplinary agenda fosters ‘open innovation’ and knowledge exchange between companies, institutions, communities and individuals. i-DAT is developing new ‘tools’ for production, dissemination and participation that challenge traditional models of creation and consumption, and embrace the shifting relationships between audiences and cultural producers. i-DAT’s projects can be found on the i-DAT web site at:

Medien & Technologie
arts (general)
26.01.2012 (Thu)
14:30 -