SELFEDUCATION Lecture by Jakob Jakobsen, 9 March, IKL


Guest Lecture by Jakob Jakobsen |
Artist | Copenhagen

WHERE: Institut für das künstlerische Lehramt/ Institute for
Education in the Arts | Karl-Schweighofergasse 3, 1070 Wien, 3. Stock |

WHEN: 9, April 2008, Wednesday at 19.00

“I would like to tell about my concrete experiences with selforganising and
selfinstitutionalisation within art, education and activism - and discuss
the changing meaning of the terms that has devoloped since the optismism of
the anticapitalist movement in the 1990s. I invite to a discussion of which
questions it raises to work with self-organisation and selv-institution
today in the shadow of the war on terror and neoliberal normalisation.”

Jakob Jakobsen is a visual artist, organiser and activist based in
Copenhagen. Co-founder of the Copenhagen Free University (2001-2007), tv-tv
(2004- ), Young Artworkers (UKK) (2002- ) and Info Centre (1998-1999).

Lecture held in English. Discussion in English and German. Open to public.

Organised by the Department for Post-conceptual art practices and
the Faculty for Art Education at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

Zeitgenössische Kunst
Bildende Kunst
arts (general)
27.03.2018 (Tue)
19:00 -
IKL – Institut für das künstlerische Lehramt , 1070 Wien Institut für das künstlerische Lehramt/ Institute for Education in the Arts | Karl-Schweighofergasse 3, 1070 Wien, 3. Stock | Hörsaal