Folding by Numbers

a lecture by
Peter Sandbichler

„The physical composition of Sandbichler’s work addresses the relationship between form and material, overrides accepted principles and confuses the sensual and constructive material attributes of our collective memory.“ (Kathrin Aste, 2022)

In his lecture, the artist Peter Sandbichler talks about experimental sculptural arrangements that unfold from different materials in an interaction of constructive precision and the element of coincidents. The focus is on his work complexes made of paper and cardboard, in which the circular process in recycling of used materials plays just as much of a central role as the application of modular systems.

The lecture takes place for the finissage of the current exhibition Simple Nature by Takayuki Bamba.

Peter Sandbichler
Peter Sandbichler is a versatile artist, whose work revolves around a series of recurring parameters. He works in many media underlining that the form of presentation is a decisive component of the artist’s work. Beyond international exhibitions some of his works are permanently present in public space such as; Resonanzkörper, visitor gallery in the Austrian Parliament in Vienna (2023), Portal, Relief at the main entrance of Agnes Heller Haus, University Innsbruck (2022) or Haus mit Augenbrauen, Mariahilfer Straße 1, Vienna (2017).

03.08.2024 (Sat)
19:00 -
MAGAZIN , 1020 Wien