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Specimen 0768 will bear witness on April 15th 2008 at 6 pm during a local assembly with Kobe Matthys (artist), Roland Fischer-Briand (Filmmuseum Vienna), Angelika Fitz (curator) and Alfred Noll (lawyer)
In 1997, Cinématheque Française made the attempt at moving the exhibition - Musée du Cinéma Henri Langlois - from the Palais de Chaillot to Palais de Tokyo Paris. A conflict arouse wherein Langlois’ heirs opposed the alteration of the exhibition on the basis of copyright. During the court case Henri Langlois Foundation vs Cinémathèque Française at the Cour d’Appel the judges had to decide if the exhibition - Musée du Cinéma Henri Langlois - is just a collection of existing works or a new composed work. Agency constitutes a list of quasi things: things that witness hesitation in terms of the bifurcation of nature into ‘nature’ and ‘culture’.