Philosophy Unbound #2 ? The Feminist Edition

Philosophy unbound organizes a regular open stage for performative philosophy. The second event will have a feminist focus - there will be various acts working with different media, genres and forms and a DJ line to round the whole thing up with a party.
For more information about philosophy unbound see

Performances by

Anna de Marco
Wera Hippesroither
Jakob Kraner und Matthias Vieider
Anna Mendelssohn
Lukas Reiter
Antonia Scholz

Open: 19:00
Begin: 20:00
@ Celeste’s Spektakel

Entry: Free Donation (suggested donation 5 Euro, we are a no budget organisation, everything will go to the performers)

Detailed Information T.B.A. at

DJ Line celeste Main Floor from 21:00 on

Catherine Lemieux (Riot Grrrls Pop, Montréal)
Steiner (SteinerWeiss / Soundküche, Graz)
Windom (Black Celebration, Wien)

Darstellende Kunst
arts (general)
25.03.2015 (Wed)
20:00 -
Celeste , 1050 Wien